Business After COVID-19.

April 30, 2020

Start Your Post-Corona Planning Now.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all. Some cities have limited which construction projects can move forward while others have banned construction completely. Whether you are working big commercial projects or roofing individual homeowner’s residences, the disruption is real and is likely being felt where it hurts: your bank account.

Some see the market re-opening within days, while others predict months. Either way, it makes sense to use this time wisely and prepare for the upcoming “back-to-work” call. Because if one thing is for certain, it’s that it won’t be business as usual.

The construction industry will likely see a backup. You could experience a long line for building inspections; materials, tools and equipment; even skilled workers and other labor. Larger contractors seeking to make up for schedule delays will no doubt monopolize many of the resources you might need. Use this time to secure supplies and labor, get your inspections lined up and in order, and plan-plan-plan! The faster you are off the line when things begin to normalize, the better off you will be.

One smart action would be to take a look at each upcoming (or anticipated) project’s material specifications. If you are unsure about a provider’s ability to deliver, have some options for locally sourced products or call the distributor or manufacturer to ensure supply. For example, some manufacturers like Marco have instituted additional safety measures for the well-being of employees and customers but still remain open with production at full capacity. Others, however, have curtailed or stopped production completely and could cause a disruption in the materials you are counting on.

The bottom line is to use this time wisely. Make sure you are as prepared as possible for projects you already have in the pipeline. When the time comes, you want to be ready and able to get to work. If your pipeline is bare, use this time to shore up marketing materials and other sales-support items so you can “hit the ground running” and drum up the business you need. Either way, it’s about planning and a smart use of your time. 

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