Materials Shortages Still Plague Industry.

October 13, 2021

The port complex of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the busiest and largest in the U.S., and ninth largest in the world, has a record number of cargo ships waiting to be unloaded. The bottleneck is the result of a shortage of trucks and drivers to pick up goods, coupled with an overwhelming demand. In addition, the pandemic has completely disrupted the global supply chain, offloading the surging demand on to suppliers and leading to shortages of goods and containers, not to mention increasing costs. And while that’s bad news for a wide variety of consumer goods, it hasn’t been pretty for the metal roofing industry either.

Metal roofing has felt the effects of COVID-related lockdowns, material shortages, and transportation issues. Added to that have been unprecedented events like the Texas freeze, the Suez Canal blockage, and an ongoing trade war with China. All have had trickle-down effects that roofers have felt for months now.

Marco, which provides a variety of Weather Tite™ solutions for the metal roofing industry, has been working with distributors and customers throughout the year providing clear, honest communication to set expectations. The company was not immune to the issues (for example, Marco gets the resin for many of their products from Texas, which shut down completely earlier this year due to the historic freeze), but they’ve been proactive in addressing concerns and adjusting their manufacturing efforts. Customer service, a Marco hallmark, has been first and foremost throughout the crisis.

Unfortunately, as the waters off Los Angeles show, the issues aren’t solved. Supply and demand are still off balance and predictions about a return to normal vary widely. That’s why Marco is still recommending early planning and clear communication between distributors, customers, and manufacturers.

“To help ensure we can get the right amount of materials to manufacture the products you want, please contact your Marco representative,” a recent Marco customer communication stated. “Letting us know if your needs have changed (whether you need more or less than originally forecasted) will help us more accurately source the quantity of raw materials required.

As always, your team here at Marco is doing our absolute best for you. With your help, we can head-off possible future shortages and negotiate the best prices possible. Please contact your Marco representative today to let us know what you anticipate needing.”

With Marco—or any supplier you rely on to keep your roofing business going—the further ahead you plan and communicate those needs, the better your business will fare.

To learn more about Marco, visit To contact Marco directly, you can email them here or call 1-800-800-8590.

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