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Keep up to date with the latest news and info from Marco and around the industry.

It’s Solar Panel Season. Are You Ready?

It’s Solar Panel Season. Are You Ready?

IRE Returns To Vegas!

Visit Us At Booth 8340. The International Roofing Expo (and your friends at Marco) return to Las Vegas February 6-8, 2024. IRE hasn’t been in Vegas since 2021, so if you’ve missed the “Entertainment Capital of the World,” make plans

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

Using Photos On Social Media To Boost Business. According to a report by social media experts HubSpot, social media posts with images receive 650% higher engagement than text-only posts. This heightened engagement can lead to increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and

Start The New Year With A New Look.

Tap Into Customers’ Desire For Stylish Colors. New year—new look! That’s the feeling many homeowners have as TV shows and magazines all push them to update and renovate the “tired, outdated look” plaguing their house inside and out. Of course,

2024 Trade Shows You Should Consider Attending.

Never Been? Now’s The Time To Invest In Your Business. It’s hard to believe, but 2024 is practically here already. That means it’s time to make plans for the new year. At Marco, we’re planning new products, a new website,

Additional Revenue Streams Can Put You Back On Top.

Compliment Your Roofing Business With New Services. You could say that for roofers, business is always up! But that joke isn’t as funny when cash flow is actually down because things have slowed. Whether it’s the economy, time of year,

Marco Industries