One of Our Own Making a Difference in Haiti.

August 23, 2021

The recent earthquake in Haiti sent shockwaves of sadness around the world.

The tragedy has left many wondering what they can do to help. While there are many organizations doing good works, there is always concern about those who would be unscrupulous with your well-intentioned donation. Fortunately, Marco’s David Lorenz has a connection.

“The American Haitian Foundation is the real deal,” David says. “It’s a grassroots organization run by people with a true heart for Haiti. Money given to this organization makes a real difference.”

David knows what he’s talking about. His father-in-law, Jack Davidson, is the founder and director of the organization which began its good works in 2000. The AHF has since built a school which employs approximately 100 Haitians and has around 1,000 students. The children are also educated, fed, and given medical attention, among many other things.

The earthquake was about 26 miles from AHF’s school in Petite Riviere DeNippes. AHF immediately began helping. A recent Facebook post from the organization reads:

This past Tuesday, the American Haitian Foundation set up a feeding program at our school in Petite Riviere de Nippes to help earthquake victims. The food was prepared over charcoal fires and we served about 500 meals to needy children and adults. We will try to continue this effort as long as the need for food and clean water exists in the area. This relief effort is made possible by your kind donations and continued prayers. 

“If you’d like to give a donation to help Haiti, I can assure you that giving to the American Haitian Foundation will make a difference to those who need help,” David says. “Right now, their focus is on earthquake relief.”

To make a donation to the American Haitian Foundation, visit and click the green “Donate” button at the very bottom of the page.  The American Haitian Foundation is a   501c3 US Non-Profit   Federal Tax Identification Number. 62-1782843.  All donations are tax deductible.  


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