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Keep up to date with the latest news and info from Marco and around the industry.

It’s Solar Panel Season. Are You Ready?

It’s Solar Panel Season. Are You Ready?

Meet Marco In Sunny Florida.

Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Expo, June 6-7. It’s not too late to plan your trip to the 2024 Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Expo. Why? It’s the largest regional roofing show in the country with more than 225 exhibiting

Why You Should Always Overdeliver On Underlayment.

Protect Your Customers’ Investment And Your Reputation. Roofing underlayment is pretty much “out of sight, out of mind.” Once the shingles or metal goes on, nobody gives much thought to it because you can’t see it. That is, until something

Are You Handling Satellite Dishes Incorrectly?

Caring For Your Customers’ Dishes Isn’t As Easy As It Seems. Smart TVs and streaming services are the norm these days, which makes life much easier for roofers. But you’ll still find plenty of satellite dishes on rooftops in neighborhoods

When It Comes To Roofs, No News Is Good News.

Marco’s Quiet Quality Speaks For Itself. Last month, a local news team in Raleigh, North Carolina, reported “teeth-rattling, roof-damaging blasts” from a construction site. In a bordering neighborhood, multiple homes have received roof damage, including one house that suffered a

Know How To Sell To Your Audience Of Women.

How To Talk To The Decision Makers. Last month, Marco honored the accomplishments of women with a special luncheon and recognitions. After all, we have some of the best and brightest women right here on Team Marco! And we weren’t

Marco Industries