When It Comes To Roofs, No News Is Good News.

April 9, 2024

Marco’s Quiet Quality Speaks For Itself.

Last month, a local news team in Raleigh, North Carolina, reported “teeth-rattling, roof-damaging blasts” from a construction site. In a bordering neighborhood, multiple homes have received roof damage, including one house that suffered a baseball-sized hole in the roof from a rock that traveled several hundred feet from a blast site—over a tree line, a row of houses, and a neighborhood street—before reaching the house. Homeowners weren’t happy.


A few weeks ago, local news reported that an Oklahoma couple was five hours away from home on a business trip when they received a curious call. A roofing company had mistakenly begun re-roofing their house. The contractors were about 80% finished taking off the old roof when they realized that they had the wrong house and must make the uncomfortable call. Apparently, the roofers did the right thing, however, as the couple now has a new roof and are recommending the company. The homeowners were very happy.


Last November, a Florida company made the news when they launched a promotion offering “an AR-15 and a turkey to anyone who buys a roof.” Yes, a semi-automatic rifle and a gobbler. The company president said the promotion is “for customers to protect their homes with a roof, bring their families together over a turkey, and protect them with an AR-15.” Homeowners were … baffled.


Unless there’s some quirkiness going on like the examples above, or one is destroyed by a weather event or fire, roofs are rarely in the news. But that’s ok. Because when it comes to roofs, no news is typically good news. That means they are working exactly as designed and have been installed with care and skill.


It’s no wonder so many roofers rely on Marco. You can trust Marco to keep you out of the limelight and in your customers’ good graces with our field-proven quality. From our industry-leading ventilation solutions for both metal and steep-slope applications to closure, fasteners, flashing, sealants, underlayment, and accessories, Marco’s superior performance works as hard for your customers’ roofs as it does your reputation.


Remember, the best roof is a no-news roof. The only way you want your roof to stand out is its curb appeal, and in your customers’ memories as a good investment and a great experience.


To learn more about Marco, visit www.MarcoIndustries.com. To contact Marco directly, you can email or call 1-800-800-8590.


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